Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Do I Make Money Via My Blog?

The question of "how to make money via a blog" often arises. The constant updating of content and in most cases, the casual conversation mode, leads one to assume that it might not be the best platform to sell from.

I'm happy to say, "not so!" In fact the constant updating of information and casual conversation mode can lead, support, strengthen and lead the reader into buying what you sell! It's up to you how far you take this.

Have you tried selling? If so, you may already realize that the sides of your blog are the where you sell from. This is where you can place pictures, videos, links and even more for the direct purchase of anything you sell. Items can be seen as readers click onto your blog. You can also direct readers to specific items within your postings. Do not be shy about doing that! Even if you don't have anything on the side ... always remember that you can put links in your blog postings directing people to buy something on your website. This is said ... knowing you will do this in good taste and in keeping with the conversation. DO NOT be aggressive in your selling, it defeats the purpose of a blog, in most cases. There are always the exceptions to the rule :-)

The trick to it all is to have a bit, if not a lot, of strategy. Here's an example that I heard more than several years ago in a seminar on blogging that works beautifully.

A photographer wanted to become known in the blogging communities and also sell photography equipment. He was up against other photographers and many, many other places selling what he was selling. He made an effort to look at what other blogs on photography were talking about and made sure he came up with fresh content. Eventually he became known for having the most unique and current "content" on photography and gathered a following. Meanwhile he had images of what equipment he was selling on the sides of his blogs with links to purchase instructions. Because he had the followers of his "content" he also received the sales.

The moral of the story is to gather a following to your content .. place what you sell on the sides of your blog making sure it relates to your ongoing content, information wise or emotion wise. The rest will be history.

Hope this helps! As always, please share with us your experience. Have you tried selling? How well are you doing? What has worked, what isn't working. Tell us all!

Keep your garden growing ....

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