Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To "PING" Or Not To!

So many people are saying to use "PING" for saving time when posting on social networks. Are you using it? Do you like it?

PING, for those not familiar with the term, is a webpage where you can enter a post and have it automatically go to as many social networks that you choose at the same time. It does save much time in terms of "writing" .... but does it gain you any time in relationship building and the final goal of generating new, repeat and referral business?

The only time I feel that PING is possibly appropriate is when you are providing an object that is, what it is, and just need blanket advertising. Not much can be said about this product .. it is something that everyone needs or could use, and only needs a lot of visibility in order to be sold. Most of us do not have this type of service or product.

So for the rest of us, here are my thoughts on postings and the use of PING. You may differ, I welcome your input. Basically I think the strongest asset of being able to post is to create online conversation and the use of PING defeats this! It's that simple!

Let's step off the internet and pretend we are at a networking mixer. You go around the room and meet lots of people and you use the same introduction but based upon the personalities and conversation syle around you at the moment, you may phrase your introduction differently in order to "fit in" better. It allows you to make a better connection.

Going back to the internet, if you look at various social networks, they each have their own personality and for that matter even conversation style! LinkedIn is all business, facebook can have a warmer family feel, etc. If you PING your messages you are speaking the same to each network of people. It works .. sure. But is it maximizing your effort?

I also like to strategize my use of the social networks. I like to find new contacts on Twitter and bring them over to facebook to further nurture the relationship. I will often use the same topic on a posting for each network but present the topic differently per network. My goal isn't to see how many contacts I can create, but how much new business I can generate.

Comparing Twitter and facebook brings up another point! Twitter only allows 140 characters. Facebook allows more! If you PING the same post ... someone loses out! Either the twitter message gets cut off ( I hate that!) or the facebook capabilities aren't maximized.

Also ... how do you react when you see the same post arrive twice or three times in a row because of automatic postings? Or ... when you go to different social networks you belong to and see the same communication, in the same format, from the same person. Do you feel like they are trying to communicate with you or just going through the motions? To me it's like the Christmas card with the printed name. Hand written signatures are much more personal and connecting!

Those are my thoughts on the subject. I personally have no use for PING. BUT many disagree with me. Here's your chance .. convince me I am missing something? Please share with us here :-)

Keep your business growing ...


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