Sunday, November 14, 2010

Foursquare - Did You "Check-In" Today?

The word is out about foursquare ~ a web and mobile application that allows members to connect with friends and share where they are located.. People can learn about new places to go, where sales are going on and where foursquare is offering "specials!" It's becoming a fun game for users and a money maker for some businesses.

So, who's using foursquare? How are you using it? Share with us please!

Foursquare seems like a fun way for businesses to attract repeat business ... actually more than attract. They can actually "lure" clients to their venues. I would love to hear "live" actual stories of how people are using Foursquare as a business and as a user.

If you are not familiar with foursquare visit my newsletter this week. It explains it all: Click here!

Ok .. now I'm waiting to hear from you!

Keep your business growing,

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