Sunday, October 5, 2014

The 2015 Website - A HUB To All Your Online Communications!

Hi there ....

Have you started to see the role of your website changing?

It used to be that our websites were the "go to" place to find out all the details of our business. The website's content was pretty permanent  requiring updates only from time to time. Actually, more updates were done for acquiring more up to date design elements than content.

Enter social media, blogging, smart phones, tablets, and more!  The internet has never been so busy! AND, you as a business owner need to be out there where the paths your buyers take can cross with what you offer!

As your buyers get to know you from maybe a social media site, article you've written, or mention via a mutual acquaintance/friend,  they may want to pursue knowing more about you in additional ways.  This is when they look for your website address and visit your site! 

Then what happens?  Is it easy for them to choose where they want to go next in getting to know about your business?  Can they find out how to connect with your communications on specific social networks?   Go to your blog to get to know your "inside scoop?"  Join your mailing list to stay in touch with your news  and announcements?  Explore your products and services and understand their "value?"  See or learn about "real time" uses for what you offer and why you?  Find out how credible and reliable your business is?  Hear what other people have to say about you?  Know how you service your clients? See a demo?  Be invited for a conversation?  Know about a seminar or training you have?  

There are so many "different" reasons people will go to your website!  Do you have solutions for these reasons/needs? Do you have avenues for your website visitors to take, no matter where they are in the buying cycle?  And is it easy for your website visitors to see, know about. find and connect with that "specific" they may be seeking?

In 2015 it is a must for you to know how your buyers might choose to be in touch with you and what they will be looking for from your business.  Which layer in their decision making process are they at? What do they need to know about your business per their level of interest each time they visit your site AND what they are looking for easy to find?  They may be able to find what they want from your business in other online locations, BUT your website still serves as an anchor and point of reference out their in cyberspace.

In that regard, do think of your website as a HUB.  Buyers cross-connecting to and from all your communications platforms and building confidence and satisfaction in doing business with you!  Think about why "you" visit websites. Personally the most often reason I go to a website is to find a telephone number and/or their social media sites!  The message being:, don't overlook the practical nor the tiny pieces of your site. Have a clear phone number and make those social media icons be visible!!

Old style website platforms are difficult to support the constant communications that comes with buyer/seller connections of today. You can make it work, especially with small businesses,by using clear navigation layouts, sidebars with links, and headers with links.  Don't think you have to create a new site.  However, if it's in the budget, do look for content management type websites that allow you to make changes easily and store data that can be easily accessed and if possible include a "search" function by your visitors. Wordpress is a popular choices but there are others.

Bottom Line: Make your website 2015 ready .... make it be clear, easy to navigate and a HUB for whatever the communications and information that your buyers will be looking for from your business.

Keep your garden growing ...

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