Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oops ... I Didn't Mean To Send That!

I was just doing my morning reading and there was a great article on CNN.com that asked if you had ever sent an email to the incorrect person! I don't believe that I personally have done that, but I can't think of a worse fate ... depending, of course, upon what was in the email!

The article brought to mind some email "procedures" I try to practice that I wanted to share this morning. Maybe some of you have some tips you can share also! If so please post your comments for all of us to know.

One of my routine practices with email that covers me with the correct recipient, plus any incorrect "sends," is to always proofread prior to sending. Spellcheck takes care of my spelling, but I proof for how the reader will interpret my message ... tone wise. Do I sound short, curt, rude, angry, too nice, too soft, etc. I will choose different words or ways of expressing myself if I see any need for correction. I also proof the email with the knowledge that this email, when sent, is "done." Am I saying "anything" that I do not want anyone else at any time to see? If so, I delete that part of my content and either decide to call the person on that item or just permanently eliminate it from all of my communications! .

Also ... the CNN article included an incident where one mis-sent email resulted in losing a $5 Million Dollar client! This happened because of the "reply to all" function. The "reply to all" button is one to stay away from unless required by a group or organization. You might think there are only three people on the list, but you have no idea who received a "blind cc" of the email! Be very, very careful of that button.

I think you all know I love email as a wonderful one-to-one medium ... the reason being that your email communications can truly bond you with your reader. That same strength can instantly destroy relationships.

Who else has some tips???

Keep your business growing,

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