Friday, May 29, 2009

Facebook Ads

Hi all,

Welcome to my weekly mailing readers who are joining us here.

Facebooks ads are quite interesting, aren't they! Has anyone given them a try? You will not find a more targeted way to market. You can define your outgoing and snail mail by targeted demographics but these are usually people you have already identified. If you are using email you "must" only communicate with those you already know.

Facebook allows you to target the exisitng Facebook demographics within the "entire" Facebook membership, not just your networks. You may target geography, age, sex, keywords, education, workplace, relationship status, even language! It really does hold true possibilities.

A client of mine, new to facebook, is a photographer. He had experienced seeing ads for some of the major players in his field appear "only" when he was on his photo gallery pages and when he would be thinking about such services! Choice of keywords made that happen. I really don't know in the world of the small business person where else you would have that happen. Does anyone have input on that?

Please share your experiences with us ... not just with Facebook Ads but pay per click on Search Engines as well! I welcome your comments.