Sunday, August 1, 2010

Online Marketing Confusion?

Anyone get confused about which online resources to use when? ... and where? ... and how? You are not alone. It can get "cloudy" out there!

One way to help yourself clear up the confusion is to break your marketing functions down into the basic components you have seen over the years in traditional marketing. There is a central office or hub of operations with advertising, a sales force, and prospecting as the primary marketing components. Do you agree with that?

Now, take it a step further by realizing that each individual marketing function can and will multi-task all the functions, i.e. advertising will happen at the central hub, prospecting can obviously be a part of advertising, and I'm sure you have more examples.

The same thing happens with online marketing resources at an even higher rate ... which is probably why we can get sooooooo confused! Would love you to write a comment on where you see cross-utilization and are not quite sure which or what way to "best" use a resource ...or when?

A basic platform or guideline is:
Central Hub - Website
Advertising - Online Newsletter, Email Promo's & Ads
Sales Force - Blog for conversation on business specifics
Prospecting - Social Networking

Does this make sense? Let me know "your" thoughts. Again the above is a very 1st layer of "assignment" of roles and basically serves in assisting you in knowing where to start. The layers build and get more complex.
TIP for success in assigning roles & priorities: Always keep your business needs "FIRST" and the resources second.

My weekly mailing adds lots more detail to this discussion ... if you are not on my list, please join us! There is a sign-up link on the right side of this page.
In the mean time ...
Keep your business garden growing ..
