Saturday, January 7, 2012

Oh That "Captivating" Power Of The Internet! A Personal Experience!!!

Woo Hoo ... it's 2012 and a new commitment to my blog!! 

It's been too long and I miss you.   Hoping to keep it handy so as my blogging thoughts happen I can do what I'm doing now!  Share them with you! 

Most of you know how I have "always" promoted the power of the intimacy of the internet you have so much opportunity via the hypnotic state people are in as they read your communications .... Right?? 

Just found myself in one of those modes and had to smile.  Am sitting here at my computer and even though all I have to do to refill my coffee cup is stand up and turn to my left ... I was NOT budging because I did not want to take my eyes off the computer.  Was I reading just one article? No .. was scanning from article to article on the Linkedin NEWS page. 

Then it got worse! My left contact lens got realigned in my eye somehow and was causing discomfort and was kind of fluttering.  There was a moment when I asked myself can I endure or "must" I leave this compelling screen.  That's when I had to laugh and got up and fixed my eye and yes, refilled the coffee cup.  BUT also thought what an example of what I preach. 
The internet gives you a captive audience!!  Maximize those interactions for your business success. 

Happy New Year everyone!  Anyone else have a similar story to share?? 

Keep your business growing ...