"You can't force connections." .... I heard this on The Bachelor last night and it stuck with me because it is so true of what happens in the world of sales. Do you see the parallel? Sales is, in its most basic form, a series of connections. A person has a need or want and a business "connects" their product or service to that need or want as a solution. The goal is to make good connections, of course!
So if selling is so easy and good ... why does selling have such a evil image? Because people/businesses try to "force" connections - in so many ways!
Here are just a few examples of what some salespeople do that produce what we refer to as "buyer's remorse:" How many have you experienced?
- Tell you that you can't live without their product.
Once you've bought it and get it home, you realize it isn't really what you wanted and you resent the product and the business that sold you!
x - Bury you in the features of a product - while not paying any attention to "why" you are looking to buy something.
You get it home and perfect as it is in many ways ... it isn't answering your "why." An example would be buying a sweater because you need to be warm. You go shopping and a salesperson sells you on all the features of a sweater (what you are basically looking for), you love it, bring it home and realize it is a sweater but not one that will keep you warm!
x - False lures ... price deals, bonus gifts, etc.
I think we've all been here. You see a "two-for-one" special. Gotta have it! You get home and never use either one of the two items. You say, "but it was a good deal!"
x - You fill in the rest! I think the list can go on and on. No wonder "sales" is considered a dirty word.
What can be equally as bad is something I read just yesterday online. It is almost right-on but still misses! There was a posting that was telling people not to push their product in front of people as it is not appreciated and would not create good relationships. This part I agree with totally. However, they went on to say that people like to buy from people (leaders), and that you should just go after making yourself a star within your industry and create personal connections.All they need and/or want to know is "you."
Well, personal connections are great and buyers do need to like (in most cases) and trust who they are buying from. But you still need to have a quality connection with what you need. You can't take the product and your "why" out of the package! If you do ... it is just another way of "forcing a connection" and it won't work in the long run or often even in the short run.
Start, or if you are already doing it, continue to "secure" your connections. Selling can be so much fun if you seek out where your good connections might be, identify people with the need you satisfy and again, work on the "securing" of quality connections. Simply find ways to "engage" and simply get enough agreement from your prospects so that they can "buy" with confidence. Your job is make sure the buyer is getting what "they" want ... NOT what "you" want. I will talk more about ways of "securing" your connections tomorrow!
Meanwhile, just remember ... "You can't force connections" ... true in love and business!
What are your thoughts on this? How do you look at selling? Are you having fun? Let me know!
Keep your business growing ...