Monday, January 4, 2010

The Words We Use When Communicating!

Have you gotten involved yet in all the discussion going on about whether to refer to 2010 as "two thousand ten" or "twenty-ten"?

I had an interesting experience with it. When I first became aware I was "put off." Was wondering how and why people come up with these ideas! Of course I would continue to say, two thousand ten as we have been doing since the year 2000. Why do people try to change things?

Then it hit me out of the blue, actually while walking my friend's dog - " We have always referred to the years as two numbers!" 1995 was "nineteen ninety-five" and 1842 was "eighteen forty-two."We did not say "one thousand nine hundred and ninety five!"

Maybe your mind was clearer than mine on this, but ever since getting "with the program" and seeing 2010 as twenty-ten, it energizes me! There is just something more energizing, clear and distinct about "twenty-ten."

My point is ~ after writing a posting, email, newsletter ... go back and look at your words. Can you substitute any of your words with more energizing ones. Are you being clear, distinct and to the point. Are your words making it "easy" for the reader to "get" your message?

Start paying attention to this one little element of your communications ... if you do find words you could change, my bet is that you will also find changes in the responses to your messages.

Let me know what you think and if a change did make a difference. Would love your input.

Happy 2010 (twenty-ten) !!!!!!

Keep your business growing ...


Anonymous said...

Margie, I agree with you, it does get confusing,yesterday I said, that was easy, but it is 2 numbers. For me it will take some time I know. Thanks, Gayle

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

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