Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't Forget About Your Website!

With all the focus on social networking and one's mailing list these days, it is important not to forget about your website! Your website remains the central hub of all your communications. It is true that its format is going to be more of a blog very soon, but its purpose will remain the same .... that is to be a central core supporting all the elements of your business - products, services, staff, contact info, etc.

I don't know if you think this way already, but your website should be where you are eventually plannning to have all your other types of communications end up at and center around. If you are going to make this happen as successfully as possible, it is important that your website speaks clearly and distinctly to all its visitors.

Far be it for you to build a huge following on the social networks only to have your connections get to your website and not understand what you do! They will still like you out there on the social nets, but you won't get as much business as you could! Hmmmm.... :-)

Here are are few questions to ask yourself about your website:

  1. Can a first time visitor "instantly" know what you do upon arriving at your website?
  2. Can a first time visitor "instantly" know if they should stay or go upon arriving at your website? Upon gettting througth item #1 above, the visitor now asks, "So What?" Do your have an answer for your visitor? Do they know upon landing on your site "what's in it for them?"
  3. If your visitors decide to stay on your website, is it easy for them to know where to go next on your site? Is the navigation clear and easy to follow?
  4. Is the text on your website easy to read at a glance?
  5. Do you have a path for a visitor's eye to follow on your website pages ... is text broken up into manageable paragraphs? Are images placed so that their eye will continue down the page ... or maybe text headlines are used for this?
  6. Can your visitors review your entire website with ease and comprehension?
  7. Are you following the Golden Rule of online communcations - Convenient to the reader and no "greys," thinking not required!

Hope you've discovered that you are in good shape! If not let me know your questions and/or concerns. Maybe you question some of the above? As always ... please share your thoughts here on my blog! Or ... contact me privately.

Keep your business growing ...

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