Are you a Twitter user? Long time? Short time? Whatever the case, some interesting stats are giving us some defined ways to use Twitter! This is great news because a lot of Twitter users are just shooting from the hip and that is never productive!!
Let me go over some of the big ones ( for me, at least) and then if you want to know more, make sure you get on my newsletter mailing list. Will be detailing all of the recent stats in my next mailing! The sign-up link is here on the right. You'll also find the links to my Garden Club calls. We discussed the Twitter stats in last Thursday's Garden Club and I will have the recording up later today.
My favorite! Twitter is now defined as a broadcast medium with the ability to have interactive conversations. Informative and "of value" tweets need only be broadcast to build your Twitter reach (number of followers). Interactive Twitter communications are showing no added value in acquiring followers. This is huge for me as I have been trying, as when I first started with Twitter (when it began), to be interactive and it is just too large and overwhelming now to maintain that usage ... for me anyway. . The stats say that interactive works for the celebs but don't worry about it if you are a "regular" person.
Along with the above, the most successful accounts, i.e. those with the most followers, had an average tweet count of 22 per day. The take-away from this is to just know that unlimited tweeting per day is just fine! Very few of us, if any, will do 22 daily tweets in the same account ... but its ok to go for it. You would be in your reader's faces too much if you tried this on other networks. So, from now on when using Twitter, let it rip!!
Most unique! Place your links 25% in from the beginning of your posting. Stats are showing more links are clicked open when placed there. Does that mean that people are too busy to read to the end of a 140 char posting? Maybe .. it 's a live feed we scan. So, give it a try.
And, along with the above, if you want stats on all your Twitter links, use to shorten them. Open up an account (it's free) and keep track. It's part of the fun of putting info out there!
Most interesting! The most retweets occur at 4:30 east coast time everyday. Also on Fridays at any time. They are assuming that the Twitter feed is less used during those time frames and the tweets get read more closely and thus readers have the time to retweet! Hope the above was informative. Again, if you want to know "all" the stats sign up for my newsletter or check the Garden Club recording. Both should be out later today!
Most interesting! The most retweets occur at 4:30 east coast time everyday. Also on Fridays at any time. They are assuming that the Twitter feed is less used during those time frames and the tweets get read more closely and thus readers have the time to retweet! Hope the above was informative. Again, if you want to know "all" the stats sign up for my newsletter or check the Garden Club recording. Both should be out later today!
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