Sunday, June 13, 2010

5 Email Subject LIne "DON'Ts"

Hello to all .. .

Have been noticing an increase in "laziness" when it comes to creating our one-to-one email subject lines! Not a good idea as this is where ...
  • Your "first" impression begins.
  • Where your reader creates a mind-set for opening and then reading your message.
  • Where an emotion is created about you, the sender!!
Did you know all that was going on? I hope not!

  1. DON'T leave your subject line blank.
    A blank subject line often, upon first glance, is seen as spam. No hope of getting it opened.
  2. DON'T put your message in the subject line.
    Some people just read the beginning and assume the message is inside ( where it is supposed to be). When they open to a blank message area they get confused .. are not sure if something you wrote didn't come through, have to go back to the subject line and check to see if there is more ~ it all adds up to an unpleasant communication written obviously for YOUR convenience, not theirs.

    You might say it is just a short message so it "is" for the convenience of the recipient. They still do not know there is nothing inside and upon seeing the blank interior can be left in a "grey" mindset where they really don' t know if there is more for them to know. Just does not work in your favor.
  3. DON'T grab an old email and keep the old email subject line for a new message!
    Your recipient is sure going to feel less than special don't you think? Great way to build upon a relationship. You are also risking them not even opening it for thinking it is old news.

    Take the 30 seconds it takes to grab that old email so you can find their email address, copy and paste their address into a "new" email with a new subject line. It will change your recipient's entire attitude about you.
  4. DON'T assume you are tho only person who sends emails to your recipient.
    By this I mean if you make your subject line be about "lunch" ... identify the day of the lunch, purpose of the lunch, or even say lunch with you( by name). Make it easy for your recipient to know exactly what your email is addressing. Not everyone looks at the "from" name .. or at least not before confusion and discontent sets in ... subliminally or conscious wise.
  5. DON'T be cute or tricky.
    No one these days opens anything that does not get to the point. It is usually regarded as spam and deleted before a "from" name is even looked at. See more on this under number 4"s description.

Bottom line .. be clear, concise, distinct and considerate. The more you can eliminate "any" need for the recipient to think about what the email is about, the more positively your email will be received in the reader's inbox. Upon passing this point, the more likely your email will be opened and read!
Remember each and every one-on-one email is an opportunity to further develop your relationship with your recipient. Take advantage and make sure your emails are positive experiences.
Keep your business growing ...