Monday, February 28, 2011

"ooVoo ME!" Where Are "You" At With Video Chat?

ooVoo Me!

Has anyone asked you this yet? It's a relatively new video chat service! Much like Skype but with some variances.

A couple of advantages over Skype include:
  1. ooVoo allows for your contacts who have NOT downloaded ooVoo, to still be able to talk with you from their web browser via the Web Video Calling feature. Great for those who may be on the move, at a public place, friend's computer, etc., who can't download the program, or don't want to for whatever reason.

  2. ooVoo allows you to embed video onto your blog, website or social networking site via the web video chat feature. Great for building relationships, having meetings, etc.
Lots of its features are free.... all you need is broadband internet access and a computer with a webcam and microphone (and a headset works great if you have one).

There is a great breakdown of all the ooVoo features and a short comparison to Skype in my weekly mailing which you may access here! Take a peek! (If you would like to get on my mailing list go to my website.) As with all marketing resources, review and pick out what works best for "you."

All this leads me to asking you where "video chat" is in your marketing strategy? If you are a current Skype user, what are you using it for in your business? Do you think it works for trainings? Meetings? What works? What doesn't work?

My thoughts about ooVoo is that it is one more step towards video being a norm for communicating! More and more video, in the chat format, is like being there! ooVoo brings us more options for when we are on the run in that it supports communications with or without "both" ends having the technology. Not sure how many people are ready to be "seen" as they work, but that aside .... the time for video chat has arrived. Even in email ....something I personally would not support for a long time. Anyone thinking along the same lines?

As always, you want to enhance your business communications with you choice of marketing resources. It's not just having "video chat" that will increase your bottom line. It is what you are saying over video chat and where you have applied it within your communication strategy that will increase your bottom line.

If you are wondering about where you might apply video chat within your business communications please share your concerns here. We can all work together in getting some answers for you.

You may also be interested in my "weekly special" ....part of my weekly mailing that I opened up to my blog readers last week and will do again this week! The first two blog readers who respond will receive my
weekly special ... just say "blog" when you call or email.

In the mean time ...

Keep your business growing ...