Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween, Walkie Talkies & Cell Phones!

Happy day after Halloween!

Times have changed for the daily family life with all the new ways we have to communicate!

I spent last night at a friends house helping her give out halloween candy while her husband went out with the kids trick or treating. They also live in a neighborhood with lots of families and kids, so they have a pre-trick-or-treat neighborhood dinner and then a post party, mostly for the adults. Needless to say, a good time was had by all ages!!

What I found most interesting is that a group of the families have walkie talkies! Husbands and wifes could be in touch ... "am coming round for water, have cups and water ready for the kids" you want to switch, you give out candy, I'll go with the kids? .... Johnny's mom is going home, ask him if he wants to go home or spend the night with us?... etc.etc. They had this ongoing communication about whereabouts, who wants to do what and more. It made what seemed to be chaotic a smooth and fun event for all.

And I must mention this part... some of the families have pre-teen girls who found it a "must" to go trick or treating without mom and dad tagging along. So they were allowed to go with cell phones! Also with the parents knowing that all these other groups of adults and kids were couritng the same streets. The cell phones saved the day from those "demand to be allowed" shouting matches.

Here's to communication!! It works at business and at home.

Keep your business growing ...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life Before The Internet ... Was It Good?

Good Morning!

Gosh ...I received a tweet last night ( communication from Twitter) and the sender said they were going to a "live" networking event that evening. The tone was set that a "live" networking event was a rare thing these days.

That got me to thinking about how quickly things have changed regarding networking. I myself, after years of having a daily event to attend, would rather dive into my computer to meet new people!

That got me to thinking about life before the internet. Take a moment and reflect on that yourself. Life seemed very full then ... it didn't feel lonely, but it sure must have been empty don't you think? It is really weird "to me" to think back that far.

Imagine not having email to check for something interesting, fun and different to divert our attention to ... or to discover that someone out there "is" thinking of us and needs and/or wants to communicate with us!

Imagine not having answers to our every question ... both crucial and also purely curiosity questions. Imagine not having a social network to explore where you can meet new contacts from all over the world!!

What are your thoughts? What can you say about it all? Are we better off now than we were back then? I am really curious about what "you" think! Please share your thoughts.

Keep your business growing ...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Domain Email Addresses

Hi ...

I was just doing my normal "catch-up" over the weekend and a couple of thoughts came into my mind that I thought I would share.

Actually it all started last Thursday when a website client from about 6 months ago called me. She was getting new business cards and wanted to know which of two website domain addresses ( a long one and a second abbreviated version) she should put on her business cards. Once we got that determined, we moved on to her email address fitting on the card as well. She never set up her domain email addresse and was still using a personal yahoo address. No matter what I said she couldn't get her mind around changing from her personal email address to her domain email address!

Why is this? It seems so obvious that #1 it is much more professional. Secondly it is also much easier for the eye to grasp when glancing at a business card, hence will be easier to use. Remember the golden rule of the internet ... convenience and hassle free communications.

A third, probably "most" important reason, at least to me, is that it is easier to remember! That counts for the website as well. Don't you think when looking at a new contact and seeing one domain name the odds are better that you will remember "one" meaning you have both. If you have to remember two ... the odds are ( in my mind) I will forget "both!"

What do you think? I did just send off an email to a client that a couple of years ago thought she would never be able to give up her aol address. As I easily typed in her domain email address I thought how she has 100% made the transition into "using" her domain email address. It isn't that hard to do folks! And ... well worth it professionally for all the reasons discussed!

Keep your business growing ...