Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Can You Sell Online?

I heard an interesting comment on a radio show yesterday. Basically it was in response to a proposed sales tax increase in California. The radio show hosts were saying that people will find ways around it by buying on line! They even went on to say that when the gas prices were so high, they compared the price of gas in shopping locally to the shipping costs of items on line and chose to buy online!

So, my message today is to think about what you can provide online. Remember that more than just products can be sold online ... digital items (forms, books, videos,etc.) your time ( consulting, coaching, etc), and more can be sold online! Be creative .. take the time today to think about what you have that you can provide online.

Work "with" the current economic concerns. You will find the opportunities.

Keep your business garden growing ....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shoutout to Sharon at autoloans101... Thanks for your comment! I appreciate you saying hello and the fact that you are enjoying my blog. I'm off to your blog now! Hope to see more of you on future blogs.