Saturday, July 2, 2011

What Do You Think About Google+ ??

Hello all ... Happy 4th of July!

Google has been making some fireworks of their own this past week ~ wow, what a lot of announcements! Google+ was the BIGGEST announcement and I'm wondering what you think of it? (Visit my weekly mailing if you haven't reviewed it at all, click here!)

Am hoping that you look at each new social network as an opportunity for new ways to connect to your buyers. If you do take that approach you won't be overwhelmed with each new resource AND you won't see it as "another" social network. You'll see it as an additional "way" to create and strengthen connections.

That said, my favorite piece of Google+ is the new video chat. Never have I had any interest in using the live chat platforms in facebook or anywhere else for that matter. BUT, Google+ has what they call a "hangout" section that sounds more inviting and a bit more casual. They compare it to seeing some of your friends hanging out on the front porch as you walk by vs having to up and knock on the door! If it is really that convenient, I'm thinking this would offer more opportunity to get to know some of the "friends" I have that I really don't know well. Some of them being business opportunities. What do you think?

The other "piece" that I like is called Circles. It is where you can drag your friends, etc. into different circles based upon how you know them. Kind of like our email groups. This I really like for business reasons. Not sure yet how easy it will be to manage ... but sounds appealing right now.

Would love to know your thoughts! Are you looking forward to a new social network to use? Are you overwhelmed? Are you ready to leave facebook behind and move on? What do you think?

Please share!!

Keep Your Business Garden Growing!

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