Sunday, September 28, 2014

Transitioning In & Out Of Blog Topics .... What To Do?

Do you ever get caught in a topic?   I mean do you ever create a series of blog posts on different aspects of "one" topic and then to switch it up are not sure if you should "transcend" into something similar OR change to a completely new & different topic?

Both can be correct.  However, one rule to remember is that too much similarity can cement in only one part of an audience and you'll lose the rest ... so you don't want to stay in one "topic" too long.  The thing to keep in mind is to make sure each "purpose"  varies quite a bit for each post under the same topic.   Giving the "purpose" unique identities can bring a wider audience to the same topic.  Are you still following all this? :-)

Let me outline it a bit.  Single topics can be chosen for a series of blog postings.  BUT each post within that series should have a unique and specific purpose.  The more you can vary the "purpose" for each post the wider the audience potential.  Hope that clarifies it a bit.

As far as transcending or jumping ( as I refer to a huge switch in topics)  the rule of thumb that you might want to follow is to think what  umbrella of thinking your topic comes from.  Move up in your thinking and transcend at a higher level ... this will "change up" the topic but keep it all under the larger umbrella of your industry and solutions.

For example,
I am just coming out of a series of blog postings on editorial calendars.  This post is following that series and is actually a part of the planning for that series.  Why, you might ask?  It doesn't mention editorial calendars, etc.  The answer is, because the first week you plan on your editorial calendar is the easiest.  Challenges begin when you say, where do I go from here!   So that's the "why" of this post!  And, also why it is closing up that "specific" series.

Now the next series of blog postings being planned falls under the role of "today's" website!   You might call that a "JUMP"  but stay tuned.   Maybe not!!!  I went up to the level of "planning online communications" and where do all communications from a business begin & end?  The website.

Hope you'll visit my blog again soon and see how it flows!  Your comments are welcomed.

In the mean time,
Keep Your Business Garden Growing,


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