Saturday, October 11, 2014

Your 8 Step Process For Having A '2015 Ready" Website!

Hello ....

You have been hearing a lot about the  2015 needs of a website.  So, it seems fitting that you know what you would experience if you chose to work with us here at Today's Way when creating your 2015 website!

When working with Today's Way,  "you" enter into a partnership with a graphics and programming expert and myself, a communications "connections" expert.   The three of us, together, initiate a process that can be as ongoing as the life of the website requires!  But ... the process to get you from start to the finish of an initial  "2015 ready" website includes 8 steps!

Before we cover the 8 steps, it's important to know that Today's Way websites are custom designed, both in content layout and presentation and programming.  And, all our new websites  use a wordpress fully responsive software platform. If required, we can also provide copywriting services.

Now ... let me walk you through the Today's Way 8-step experience: 
  1. You tell us about your business. Then you are asked to pretend that you will be speaking to an auditorium full of your ideal clients and we ask you three questions:
    1)  Who is in the auditorium?  What are the demographics?
    2)  After you speak, what actions do you want them to take? Can be from one, up to any number.
    3)  What do you offer to make them take those actions?
    Upon mutually agreeing upon your answers, we proceed to your website content and layout.
  2. Next step: What is your "core" solution to what problem. What is your primary purpose? Given that website visitors decide very quickly if they will stay on your website OR click off your website, we next identify the primary "hook" that is needed upon landing on your home page to connect your ideal buyers to your website.
  3. Where do visitors want to go after connecting with your hook? Upon identifying the "hook" on the homepage, we must determine where visitors want to go next.  This depends upon what level of the buying decision process your visitors are at. So once again, together, we identify each stage of your buyers decision making process and with that,  identify what they need to see on the website to connect with you for their onsite content needs and/or offsite needs (access to social media, youtube channel, etc)
  4. Now we build your HUB.  How will your visitors easily see and connect to where they want to go next? Once we have all the pieces of the above step we can begin to assign and place your content to areas on the website and build your HUB.  Right now Today's Way is only building wordpress websites so there are choices of pages, posts, pages with posts, and sidebar widgets)   Also which formats and resources  will best support the content so that communications can take place - forms, slide show, video, photos, video galleries, photo galleries, live feeds, etc.
  5. Navigation comes next.  How many navigation menus do we need/want, how should they be constructed and where should they be placed. What will allow your visitors to easily see "their" unique next step choices for learning about your business.
  6. Design elements are now finalized. What are your colors?  What design features, touches, accents, etc will enhance the content and allow it to be seen!  It's all about the content!
  7. Throughout the process you see the website and give your approval and/or your suggestions. Seeing is knowing.   We've learned over the years that what you "might" think will look good, will not look so great and vice versa!  No matter what, the customer is always right. We go with what you want.  Suggestions will be made, but bottom line, our clients will have what "they" want.
  8. Last but not least - training!  Upon the completion of your new wordpress website you receive up to five hours of free telephone training for using your website..  Yes, you may split it up.
That's the Today's Way 8 step process! Again, all our current wordpress websites are custom designed and  custom programmed on a wordpress fully responsive software platform, allowing  viewing on all sizes of screens and mobile devices.   We review all content with you, providing our insight on it's layout and presentation for the best connectivity. If you need it actually "written" for you, copywriting services are also available.
Here are links to some of our wordpress websites:

If you would like a complementary discussion for your 2015 website contact me at 310-306-1453 or I am happy to discuss how Today's Way can make your 2015 more successful. 

In the mean time,
Keep your business garden growing ....

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